Thursday, December 17, 2015


6:10 am:  Checked in at WakeMed Cary.  Rick&Rae are watching the other three.  Rita and Prakash are on a 4 month vacation in India.  We're in room W02.  Nice hospital.  Night nurse got all of Sitals info into the computer and started an IV.  Day shift nurse (Jenny) came in at 7 and took over.  Checked the baby.  Has a head apparently.

Q: Are you sad that this is your last pregnancy?
A: Yes, I love being pregnant, but now I can get breast implants!

7:50 am: Pitocin started.  Contractions started.  Small.  Sital didn't even know, but they're showing up on the monitor.

Yesterday's Christmas Dance Party

9:22 am: Dr. Welch came in.  Checking.  Solid 3cm Dilated.   75% efaced.  Station = -1.  Everything looks good.  Broke water.  Epidural is ok whenever she wants it.  Takes about an hour to get enough fluids in to be ready for the epidural.  Starting the fluids now.

Q: Was this your hardest pregnancy?
A: They were all the same.  Easy.  This one was the most tiring actually during the first trimester.  I exercised through all of them, so they all seem very similar.  I think with Memphis, I may have had more heartburn.

Q: Which one do you think will be the most successful?
A: Cierra cause she's the oldest.  Phoenix will definitely give us the most problems.  He's a troublemaker.  Phoenix has been the most trouble so far.  My water broke, he tied his cord in a knot in the womb, he doesn't let us sleep at night, he's always pushing his little brother around and beating on his sister.  Memphis will always be the baby in the family.  He's got the looks and will probably have it easiest in life.  Cierra will have to prove herself and will probably work the hardest and be the most driven.  Memphis will just go with the flow.  Phoenix will always rebel against the system.

Strange Dreams:  Sital had a dream last night that the insurance didn't cover the delivery so we couldn't afford daycare.  She had another dream that she bet someone that the baby would be 6lb2oz and lost the bet, so she had to give the baby away.

10 am: Everything looking fine.  Just waiting.  Contractions a few minutes apart.

Watching Rachel Ray
10:40 am: Contractions are getting strong now.  Painful.  Ready for the epidural.

11 am: Epidural is in per Dr. Lish whos apparently a big time surfer.

 11:05 am: Feeling sleepy.  Nice meds!

11:30 am:  Doc came back.  4cm Dilated.  Put in Foley.  Irritating.  Baby's heartbeat slowed down so they rolled her and it got better.

12:30 pm: Napping.

12:50pm:  Dr. Welch back in.  Almost 7cm.  Should be soon.  Baby coming down fast.  Dr. Welch getting some lunch before the big game.  Jenny checked a few minutes later and we're at 10cm.

1pm: Getting the carts set up.  Turned on the baby warmer.  Should be within the hour.  Theres a woman next door that's at the same point, so there's a race to deliver.  She doesn't have an epidural.

1:07pm;  Room 6 won.  She's pushing.  Dr. Welch will be over after she's done.  Baby's heartbeat is all over the place.  Slows down to 65 then speeds up to 120.  Typically its been 140 at the Dr.'s Office.  Mom is worried.  Nurses don't seem worried.

1:25pm: Jenny is back in.  Drained the bladder.  She teaches clinicals at Duke.

1:35pm:  Got real dizzy and almost passed out.  Jenny administered some smelling salts and strapped on some oxygen.  Blood pressure is low.  Jenny called in a backup nurse.

Dr. Welch is here now and looks very concerned.  Blood Pressure is low, heartbeat is slow.

Dr. Welch says we have to get this baby out now.  Sital is worried.  Almost passed out, but is pushing.  Baby isn't dropping fast enough and we're running out of time.  They get out a suction cup thingy and stick it up in there onto the baby's head.  Dr. Welch starts pulling while Sital pushes.  Its moving now.  Head pops out and the cord is tight aroudn the neck.  Not good.  Dr. Welch is really moving now.  Cuts the cord in the middle just to get it off the neck.  Working on getting the rest of the baby out.  Coming slow.  Baby isn't crying, but looks to be ok.  Finally got the rest of the body out and a team is called in to work on it.  Its a boy btw.

Mom is really worried, but the nurses are saying everything is looking good.  He finally starts crying as they get him cleaned up.

Wow, that was crazy.  Baby is fine now.  Mom is better, but went through a stressful few minutes there.

Official Specs: 6lbs7oz.  19.5"L.  Born at 1:48pm.

Team in action

Suction thingy to pull him out.

2:30pm: Mom and baby are doing good.

4:30pm:  Moved to room 30 down the hall.  New nurse. Tanya.  We will stay here until Saturday.  Could possibly go home tomorrow eve.

6pm: Nana and Papi brought the siblings by.

Friday Dec 18th, 2015
11am:  Momma and baby are settling into the feeding/sleeping routine.

Time for a quiz.  Name that baby:

Hudson Douglas
Judge Mody
Hudson Rey
Hudson Luz
Cayden Nico
Hudson Nico
Hudson Leon
Archer Arcos