Thursday, July 10, 2014


Thursday July 10th, 2014
This baby is late.  Sital is 41 weeks now.  They're finally scheduling her for induction.  She had contractions last night, but they were about 10 min apart.  We slept through the night.  Well, at least I did.  Pheonix ended up in our bed and kicked mommy out.  Cierra slept like a rock of course.  We dropped them off at daycare and made our 7:45 appointment at Rex.  We're in room 235.  Our nurse is a bit of a nut.  Eileen.  She's having a lot of difficulty inputting info into their system.  It now says we're having twins.  A second, younger nurse has come in to help "correct" the situation.

How do I work this do-dad?
Let me help you.  I'm an expert.  See my yellow vest.

10:45a - IV connected.  Pitocin going.  Contractions are small and about 7 min apart.

11:30 - Contractions are closer now.  About 2-3 min apart.  Pitocin has been upped to 9mL/hr.  We're watching daytime TV.  Jane Fonda is on Rachael Ray promoting some book she wrote about growing up and making it through adolescence.  Her claim to fame is for exercise videos and protesting the Vietnam war 40yrs ago.  Born the daughter of a famous actor and a Canadian socialite,   Jane, now 76 years old, has written a book to help young girls cope with their teenage years and learn how to be "normal".  Rachael Ray is lapping it up like a puppy and the audience is clapping after every statement Fonda makes.  Its so ridiculously absurd.

12:30p - Lab just came and took blood.  Once bloodwork comes back clean, she can get an epidural and the Pitocin can be ramped up.  Probably have this kid by 3p.

1:00 - Dr. Inge came in and stuck his finger up the baby hole.  Bout 3.5-4cm dilated he says.  Stripped the liquid sack and can start the drugs anytime.  Just say when.  Prolly gonna have this kid today he says.

2p - Epidural is in.  Drugs are awesome.  "Contractions?  What contractions?"  They're about 3 min apart now.

Worst day ever!
YeeeeeHaw.  Lets party.
Epidural: Epidural techniques frequently involve injection of drugs through a catheter placed into the epidural space. The injection can result in a loss of sensation—including the sensation of pain—by blocking the transmission of signals through nerve fibers in or near the spinal cord.

So good they locked the drugs up and took away the key.

3p - 6cm Dilated now.  Sital is sleeping through the contractions with these drugs.  Pitocin is at 15mL/hr.  Nurse Eileen thinks it'll be a couple hours still.

Eileen still having trouble with this darn-fangled computer system.  Yellow Vest had to come back in and help.

3:15p - Derek just sent me a photo of Joy and I demonstrating two ways to style your hair with a part straight down the middle.  What's cooler than that?!  Doesn't matter if you're a guy or a girl, have long curlys or short straights.  A part down the middle with a steely stare says "I'm serious, don't mess with me".  It almost seems like we were trying to line up our parts in this pic.  Pure Awesome.

Not sure how I'm gonna do this with 3 kids.

3:45 - 9cm dilated.  Sital has the shakes.  Baby is still up high, clinging to the womb.  Probably another couple hours.

4:45 - 10cm.  Nobody is very concerned.  Sital is sleeping.

6:08 - Guess everyone was bored.  Doc came in and said we should start pushing and see what happens.  Couple pushes and baby isn't moving.  Nurse Eileen inserts a catheter to drain the bladder to get more room.  Looks like this baby is a bit bigger than Phoenix who was 5.13.

6:15 - There's a crazy thunderstorm going on outside.  Huge bursts of lightning and thunder every time Sital pushes.

7:05 - Pushing for an hour.  Kid is stuck under the pelvic bone.  Put on some Pitbull to see if that helps.  Not working.

7:15 - Nurse change.  Baby given a rest.

New Nurse.  Sue Hei.

7:45 - Started pushing again.  Sital laying on her left side.  Not moving much.

8p - Rolled onto her back.  Pushing again.

8:10 - Good push.  Got some movement.  Baby ready now.  Doc called.  Couple more pushes now.

Gimme that baby.
8:15 - Dr. Inge is getting in position.

8:17 - Its a Boy!

Special Care Nurses sucking out the Mercomium.

Mom and baby are doing great.

10:30p - Moved upstairs to room 307.  Mom and baby suffered through a night of poking and proding by a host of random nurses and techs.

Names are flying around now, coming in from Colorado, NC and New Mexico....

Francisco (Cisco for short)
Longitude (?)
Cielo Vista
Chandelier (?)
Apex Duke
Isaac Newton
Marcus Electron
Marcus Aurelius
Rio Azule


Memphis seems like the leader.  Such a rich history as the birthplace of the blues and rock-n-roll.  Aretha Franklin, Jerry Lee Lewis, BB King, and of course Elvis Presley's careers were all born out of the Memphis blues/rock scene.

Rio also resounds.  Strong natural connection and fits our middle name theme of a spanish object.

Friday - Cierra and Phoenix paid young baby boy a visit.

Saturday 12p  - Getting Ready for discharge now.  Gotta pick a name.  We've narrowed it down to three:

Memphis Rio
River Sangre
Rio Azul

Looks like a Memphis.

And we're off.