Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bad Ass Baby

Admitted: Wed. Nov 9th, 2011 at 11:30a.

We are at Rex Hospital in room 236.  The doc put a catheter in to dilate the cervix.  Basically its a plastic tube with a balloon at the end.  It's inserted past the cervix, into the uterus and then inflated.  Some pressure is applied against the catheter and then it's taped to her leg.  When the balloon pulls through the cervix, it's dilated to 3-4cm.  At 10cm, the baby is ready to come out.

Wed. Nov 9th, 4:29p

The balloon has pulled through the cervix.  They're now delivering Pitocin (oxytocin) to induce contractions and see if they can't start the motor.

Nov 9th, 6:12p

Dr. Inge came in and broke Sital's water with a crochet hook thing.  It's on it's way.  Should come sometime after midnight.

 Wed. Nov 9th, 7:55p

Fighting the contractions.

Nothing rocks like natural childbirth!

 Wed. Nov 9th, 9:42p

The contractions were evil.  Send in the drugs please.

Ahh, drugs are good!

Thur. Nov 10, 12:48a

The dilating continues.  Sital is at 9cm now.  Almost time to start pushing.

That's a big foot.

Thur. Nov 10th, 2:00a

Sital is now 10cm and the pushing begins.  Doc estimates 1-3hrs for delivery once the pushing starts.

No pics. Mom is angry.

Thur. Nov 10th, 4:27a

2.5 hours of pushing and we have a girl!  The umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck.  Dr. Inge seemed a little stressed as he yanked on it and tried to force it over the top of her head.  Would have been easier if the head wasn't so long.  The head was about twice as long as it was tall.  Not sure how long the cord was wrapped around the neck, but Inge got it over.

Mishapen head.  Covered in cheese.  Little on the light side.

For those that use the English system.
After a cleaning and a skull cap.
Mom and baby are both healthy.

Gratuitous Closeup

Already suckin the thumb.

Rockin out to some Metallica.  It puts her to sleep.

And Justice for All!
Fri. Nov 11, 11:45a

Last night was brutal.  Cierra wouldn't stop crying.  No rest for Mom at all.  Dad can sleep through anything!

Cierra looking like Christopher Columbus about to conquer the world

The incredible shrinking head.  It's almost round.

They put a lowjack on our little girl so she doesn't run off.

I think you can remove this by undoing the velcro.  Plus her ankles are like rubber.
Sat. Nov 12th, 12:15p

Cierra has minor Jaundice because Mom's blood is O+ and hers is A+ leading to incompatibility.  To treat it, they're putting this radioactive looking blanket around her for the rest of the day (they call it photo-therapy).  They'll check her billirubin levels again at 3p and see if we can go home.

Neonatal jaundice or Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is a yellowing of the skin and other tissues of a newborn infant. A bilirubin level of more than 85 umol/l (5 mg/dL) manifests clinical jaundice in neonates whereas in adults a level of 34 umol/l (2 mg/dL) would look icteric.

Cierra's billirubin level was 10.3 last night.

She's radioactive.
Sat Nov 12th, 6:00p

Cierra's Billirubin dropped to 10.1 which apparently is good enough to go home.  As long as you keep her wrapped up in this futuristic blanket.  So we left.  Thank God.  That place was getting old. 

Cierra is now quietly resting inside her radioactive blanket in her new home.  Mom, Grandma Mody and Aunt Amy are busy nesting.

It's like sleeping on the Sun.


  1. Excellent work Daddy that's one sweet cutie pie! Next up - Man in a Box.

  2. Congrats you old tird! What's her name? Induced contractions are a B!
