Sunday, November 13, 2011

Trip to the ER

Nov 13th, 12p

Cierra went to the pediatrician this morning and he found that her temperature had dropped to 96.5.  Low temperature can indicate an infection in infants, so he advised us to take her to the ER where she was put under a heat lamp and connected to machines that measure her heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygenation, respiratory rate, and of course temperature.  Several tests were run on her including chest x-ray, blood screen, and an attempted lumbar puncture.  The doc was un-succesful in getting any spinal fluid from the lumbar puncture, so he gave up.  They're pumping her full of antibiotics so the risk is low, but they'll likely try another LP later on.  She'll be here until Tuesday waiting for cultures to come back.  All test have come back negative so far.  She's feeding well and looks perfectly healthy, so all of this seems extra-curricular.

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