Saturday, January 5, 2013

Bad Ass Baby Boy

Last updated Tue Jan 8th, at 5p (see below) 

Fri Jan 4, 2013 5:45p
Admitted to Rex.

Sat Jan 5, 2013 10a
Well, we're still in the Hospital waiting.  Sital's water broke yesterday (Fri) at about 5:30p.  We had just picked Cierra up from daycare and were riding the elevator upstairs.  We had been to the hospital earlier in the day b/c contractions had started, but the cervix was only 3.5 cm so they sent us home to wait.  When the water broke, it was on!  We shuffled Cierra back into the car (much to her dismay) and headed back to Rex.

Cierra has no idea what's about to hit her!

Rex was quiet when we arrived.  Only one other person in L&D.  They got Sital hooked up to the various machines to monitor mom and baby.  We're in room 236 this time.  Contractions were minor and the cervix was 4 cm.  Dr. Watson was on call and give direction to wait and let nature take her course.  "Typically, the contractions start in full around 5 hrs after the water breaks."  So we wait in anticipation.

Cierra comforting mom.

So we watched Bourne Legacy.  Grandma and Grandpa Mody came and picked up Cierra and took her to Cary.  At about 10p Dr. Watson came back and checked again.  Still 4cm.  Let's start the Pitocin and kick start this machine.  Sital still not feeling any contractions.  Started Pitcoin at 1 mUnits/min.  Ratcheted up every half hour 1, 3, 5, 7.....up to 20.  Above 20 is not good for mom and baby.  By 6am, the Pitocin was max'd and nothing had started.  Sital slept through most of it.

Dr. Watson came back in and checked again.  Nothing changed.  Baby is perfect and mom feeels fine, but no labor.  This is not typical appartently.  Pitocin usually does the trick.  We now have nurse Angela who states, "You know, they mix these bags of Pitocin down in Pharmacy and sometimes they just don't seem to work, so let's try a new bag."  What?!  They don't mix the bags right?  Crazy.  I hope that's not true.

Anyhow, its 10a and we're at 7mUnits/min on the new bag.  Still nothing.  They started this bag at 8a.  By 1p, we should be through it.  If this one doesn't work, its looking like a C-Section may be necessary as the risk of infection goes up 24hrs after the water breaks.  This boy will be out by 5:30p tonight one way or another.  Mom and I are really hoping for a natural birth. Watching Bourne Legacy for the 2nd time.

Sat Jan 5th, 2013 12 noon
Dr. Watson came back and checked.  Still dialated at 4cm, however she noticed that there was still a bit of the embryonic sac in place.  So she broke that.  Pitocin is at 13 mU/min.  Sital is feeling the contractions now.  Looking good.  The pain is intense which means the machine is working.  Will need an epidural soon.

Well, that didn't take long.  Contractions intense now.  2 min apart.  8 on the pain scale.  Epidural on the way.

Stop taking my picture and give me some drugs!
Epidural is in.  Thank god for drugs!

Life is good
Dr. Watson just came and checked.  10cm now.  Getting ready to push.

Pushing has started.

Its a boy! After about an hour of pushing, the head came out and Dr. Watson started jerking on it.  I thought she was gonna rip it off at one point, but he's like rubber.  He was big compared to Cierra and it was a struggle getting him out.  Dr. Watson would later state that if the next one is any bigger, Sital would need a c-section.  After pulling him out and examining things, Dr. Watson found a knot in the umbilical cord.  Apparently he'd flipped around when he was young and tied himself in a knot.  If it had cinched up early in development, we'd have had problems.  Luckily it stayed fairly loose and all is good.

Came screaming into this world!
12oz heavier than Cierra. 18.75" Long.

Mom is healthy and HAPPY!
Dad is HAPPY too!
And here comes the star of her own show.

What is this crazy thing?

Hey Buddy!  Welcome to the fam.  Let me show you the ropes.

First off.  I'M the star!

G'ma Mody is happy too.
Now we move upstairs to spend a few nights with Junior.

Sun Jan 6
We are now upstairs in room 302.  The staff is really good here.  With Cierra, I think we got the B team.  These nurses seem to have it together.  Eva is Sital's favorite.

Jr. has gone for several tests.  All have passed except for his hearing test.  His right ear is fine, but the left isn't passing.  They hooked up 3 electrodes to his head and shoved a sensor in his ear.  Apparently, things can be affected by fluid so nobody's too concerned.  We'll re-test again tomorrow before going home.

Hello.  Is there anybody in there?

Dr. Mack came in and looked over Jr.  She said everything was good, but since mom's blood type is O+ and Jr. is A+, there's a high liklihood of Jaundice and he may need light therapy.  We'll see.  She's running a blood test, but his skin is fine and his eyes are clear with no yellowing.

Mom is doing good.  No pre-eclampsia.  She does have some itching similar to before the pregnancy which she thought was cholestasis.  The bloodwork hasn't come back on that diagnosis yet though.

I went to g'ma and g'pa Mody's house to pick up Cierra and bring him by to hang out with jr.  She fell asleep on the way to the hospital so we took some picture of her and her brother.

She mostly wanted to run around the halls and make smiles with all the nurses.

Corey and Becky came by to visit and brought us lunch which was nice.  The hospital food blows.  They wouldn't let Viv up to the room due to policy.

Dr. Watson came and took Jr. to circumcise him.  Poor fella.  He came back with a bandage where his foreskin used to be.  So sad.  It's like a part of him is gone forever.

Post-circumcision sadness

Its been a rough couple days.  Let's rest.
Mon Jan 7
They came back and re-tested Jr. for hearing loss.  He passed!  Musta dried up overnight.  Now all that's left is to come up with a name so we can complete the paperwork and go home.  The following are the choices we've been mulling over:

Micah Joseph
Trace Joaquin
Nico Cruz
Octavio Cruz
Bowie Gray
Cruz Maximillian
Denim Cole
Cayden Cruz
Phoenix Cruz

Clearly we're big fans of the Spanish names.  Phoenix has such strong imagery and is so different I think that's the one we're leaning toward.  Bold and unique.

Corresponding with Greek myth, Phoenix is an oracular bird, which can periodically burn up and then regenerate from it's own ashes. It's the symbol of immortality by resurrection
That shall be his name then:  Phoenix Cruz Shellenberger.

Home finally.  At peace.

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